3 litres of pure water
Establishing a donation program linked to Kildevæld – a waterbrand owned by Coca Cola. Making the consumers aware of the possibility of supporting Africa with clean drinking water, by chosing the right waterbrand in Denmark.

Consumers do not engage in bottled water but tend to buy the cheapest. We wanted them to make a commited choice, picking the right brand and through that support the waterdonation program established by Kildevæld and the Red Cross.
Modern consumers often buy bottled water on the run, but they don’t give any attention to the brand and they don’t have any preferences. Often they just buy the cheapest.
Together with Red Cross Denmark, Kildevæld established a water donation campaing called 3literrentvand (“3 litres of clean water”). Every time a consumer buys a bottle of Kildevæld, they automatically donate three liters of pure drinking water to Afrika. We engaged a well known Danish ambassador and used her as key spokespeson for the campaign. To build knowledge and trust, the campaign was transparent, and we showed the consumers excatly which country, village, school, family and children that were supported with clean drinking water. We invited the press to join us for donationtrips to Kenya and Uganda, and we made documentary films to show the life of families with no access to clean drinking water, and how the new wells affected their lives. We created a Facebook page enabeling the consumers to share their own expereince with donation programs and volunteering, and we also established competitions – allowing two consumers to win a donationtrip to Afrika, and afterwards share their eyewitness experience with the press and through social media.
The 3 Litres of Pure Water campaign has given thousands of people across Africa a better, healthier life through access to clean drinking water and hygiene education. In the first four years of the campaign, sales of Kildevæld have been translated into more than 450m litres of clean water:
2010: The campaign donated 32,000 personal LifeStraws and 90m litres of water.
2011: donation of 6.750 family LifeStraw, 3,750 personal LifeStraws, and 130m litres of water.
2012: Nine wells were built, 3,000 personal LifeStraws donated, and 102 million litres of water donated
2013: Seven wells built, and 110 litres of water donated.